Now accepting early orders for Valentine's Day!
Pricing will vary, and we'll have extended hours
to serve you better on this special day.
  • ADDRESS Newtown Floral Company
    18 Richboro Rd
    Newtown, PA, 18940
  • CALL US (215) 968-9555
Teleflora's Pretty Pumpkin Bouquet

Teleflora's Pretty Pumpkin Bouquet


Rustic autumn flowers are stunning in a hand-painted ceramic pumpkin that looks like it just came from the patch. What a truly gorgeous gift for somebody special. They'll love it year-round - for flowers, candy or just to admire.

The radiant bouquet includes yellow sunflowers, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, red daisy spray chrysanthemums, solidago, huckleberry and oak leaves.

Approximately 15 1/2" W x 12" H

Orientation: One-Sided

As Shown : T11H110ADeluxe : T11H110BPremium : T11H110C

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